Bravo! Once again you hit the nail on the head. So many elected officials in power positions have forgotten who they work for and people who elected them have not held them accountable for not representing them. How do we rise above the apathetic voters and the voters who just vote their party without knowing anything about the candidate they just voted for? The upcoming election is a chance for Kansans to keep those like yourself in office. We need legislators who actually listen to their constituents in office and must vote out those with personal agendas that ignore the will of the people. I understand public service is a thankless job for the most part. The added bonus is that you probably do it at a financial loss. Your paycheck is dismal on a good day. I appreciate those of you who are trying to change what is wrong in Topeka. I pray you overcome the willful ignorance, personal agendas and legislative attitudes that classify many Kansans as lazy, liars and users. I appreciate your thought provoking articles.

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For me this paragraph encompasses the paradox of government. Is government there to provide opportunity, or to provide services (it's both IMO) and at what is the correct balance between anarchy and communism.

"There would be a concerted effort to create a wider lane, so to speak, on which an ever-increasing number and variety of people can thrive. A people-centered government, in my view, would constantly pull more people in and create more opportunities for more people, recognizing there are many paths forward, not just the one that worked for one group of people in one specific period of time."

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