Our state and national governments Are like tools and vehicles. But, they are becoming increasingly ineffective and disfunctional. Infighting, taking a stand “I’m not going to do that unless you do this” is what I see.

What I expect is government to be like a corporate work environment. If people fight, steal or are disruptive, they are fired. Our governments do not work: it’s broke. Ineffective, disfunctional disruptive and distracting.

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Bleed them dry. Blood money. Paid with blood sweat and tears.

The story I was taught in school was people came here to start a new nation because they were treated poorly in the old country (many of the same reasons people today are trying to get a fair share of possibilities - wealth, status, equality, respect, persecution, etc). It’s the same Modus operandi, just the names have changed. And, the people that came here, felt justified in getting rid of the people that were already here.

I’ve heard we are a Christian nation. One nation, under God. In God we trust. But, what I see is we worship wealth.

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Jason your writing is both thoughtful and inspiring I just wish you had a Venmo tip jar (if there is such a thing?) at the end of your blogs so we could tip a little to the non-profit of your choice dealing with the subject of your writing. I suppose there are rules against such things. Anyway, it would be a great measure of the inspiration factor of your posts!

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Excellent column!

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Thanks, Jason, for sharing your thoughts about our current state legislature. You put into words the same thoughts I have had for some time. I just don’t get it. Why does our legislature go against what the majority of Kansans want time after time? For some niave reason I thought our state legislators were to represent the majority views and beliefs of Kansans. But that’s not happening and hasn’t happened for some time. It seems once they get to Topeka too many of them advocate and vote for what each of them want, not what the majority of Kansans want. I’ve learned there’s no point in contacting the legislators who allegedly represent me because they’re going to vote for what they want, not what Kansans want.

P.S. Do you think our state legislators will ever stop playing games with the reduction of our food taxes?

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