When someone feels responsible for providing for others who are less capable than themselves and that responsible person feels inadequate and incapable of providing enough, then, it’s hard for them to feel thankful. True.
But, when I was a little boy, what I wanted most was for my parents to appreciate me and enjoy my company and respect my efforts. I wasn’t much interested in the latest, biggest, flashiest bling. Most parents can consistently provide love and not be a source of negativity.
I look for the good in all things because the bad doesn’t need help finding me. The sky is beautiful. The way the leaves on trees move in the wind. And, sunrise and sunset, the stars at night and the moon and clouds, all are beautiful and amazing: awesome.
Life itself is a gift and a miracle and an endless, unfathomable mystery. You only get to live in this moment once, make the best of it.
"I believe properly deployed awareness should increase the depth of our gratitude." I believe that too, Jason--but you said it very well here, so thank you for that, and this whole message. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday to you and yours!
When someone feels responsible for providing for others who are less capable than themselves and that responsible person feels inadequate and incapable of providing enough, then, it’s hard for them to feel thankful. True.
But, when I was a little boy, what I wanted most was for my parents to appreciate me and enjoy my company and respect my efforts. I wasn’t much interested in the latest, biggest, flashiest bling. Most parents can consistently provide love and not be a source of negativity.
I look for the good in all things because the bad doesn’t need help finding me. The sky is beautiful. The way the leaves on trees move in the wind. And, sunrise and sunset, the stars at night and the moon and clouds, all are beautiful and amazing: awesome.
Life itself is a gift and a miracle and an endless, unfathomable mystery. You only get to live in this moment once, make the best of it.
Profoundly true, beautifully written. Thank you!
"I believe properly deployed awareness should increase the depth of our gratitude." I believe that too, Jason--but you said it very well here, so thank you for that, and this whole message. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday to you and yours!