Best political article ever. Brought up some very important points.

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I can't understand how Kansas is so republican. I asked may dad a long time ago why he didn't vote for Republicans he told me he can't afford to. I have never voted a republican since, I can't believe there are that many millionaires in KS. That is all they care about the rich. We met a couple of times in town. The last time was by the little train station on the fairgrounds.

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Thousands of patients in Kansas have become marijuana refugees over the years. #ksleg doesn’t want to hear their stories or needs. Ty Masterson just dismissed two patients stories as unimportant and he wouldn’t be bullied into legalization. How cruel and callous is that?

With 70% of Kansans expressing support for medical marijuana you would like to think that this number of constituents would move the needle. Gotta get louder and in their email boxes. Keep fighting for all healthcare in Kansas!

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Astute, correct and to the point. I’ve been fighting the good fight for marijuana legalization for 5 years. Not quitting now!! Onward!!

Director Kansas NORML

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OMG! You are absolutely right - Corporate America ALWAYS does the right thing!!!! I'm so glad you pointed that out! lol

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I believe the Oklahoma, recently (just a few days ago) voted down recreational marijuana.

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