I’m not in your district, in 104, and am a registered Republican so I could not vote for you or I would have. That said I have watched your work for Hutchinson and its people. To say I am beyond frustrated regarding the apparent outcome is an understatement. You did a great job and anyone who disagrees has probably got partisan blinders on. This is a huge loss to the hutch community and I will not be shy about saying such. Keep the faith.

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Thank you Jason for your public service. I first became aware of you when I became a pastor in Hutch in 2007. Your thoughts and words in the local paper were inspirational. Then I re-discovered your writings on Substack and elsewhere when you began your public service career. You have been like a representative for me in Topeka, even though I left Reno County in 2012. I believe you will be in the service of good and goodness in the days and years ahead, and you will continue to inspire others to the same. Thank you for your character and for being one of the best of us.

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Jason thank you for all you've done for our community and for Kansas in your time in Topeka. I am sad it is over.

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Beautifully written. Character matters. You are a man to look up to. And to trust.

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I am not in your district so sadly I couldn’t vote for you. But I have admired and been thankful for your work. I think the voters made a mistake not voting for a caring public servant. I wish you the best.

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